LANCASTER CITY have parted company with manager Tony Hesketh, who was set to return to the Giant Axe following a spell away on sick leave.
A statement on the club’s website confirmed his departure, saying: “During the course of Tony Hesketh’s enforced absence, our squad structure and playing policy changed in a way that was not only necessary to enable us to start the season but also, the directors believed, more beneficial to the longer term future of Lancaster City FC.
“Unfortunately, this change in approach does not align to Tony’s way of thinking and despite attempts to reconcile the two positions, it has regretfully been decided that Tony will not be returning to the club as manager.
“We are most grateful to Tony for his second spell with us, during which we enjoyed some success, without quite gaining the promotion that a little more luck might have realised.
“We wish Tony all the best for the future and assure him that he will always find a warm welcome whenever he visits Giant Axe.”