Midland Premier

This is where you will find all of the Non-League Football Paper’s Midland Premier news, opinion and content.

stdClass Object ( [id] => 15 [league_name] => Midland League Premier [league_logo_id] => 0 [league_logo_url] => [parent_league_id] => 0 [wp_league_id] => 10414 )
Midlands minefield!

Midlands minefield!

Imbalances in neighbouring leagues risk leaving a “totally distorted” Midland Football League Premier Division with greater problems in the future.

Newark: Highway

Newark: Highway misson will not be foiled

Newark chairman Gary Clarke said the plans did not involve houses going on the football club’s site but that “it could affect us in terms of access to the land the club sits on” and “the provision of utilities”.