
M6 Holds No Fears For Val



NORMALLY, a five-hour trip up the M6 on a Saturday would scare even the most loyal of fans.

But for Val Graves such trips are all part of the joys of supporting Histon, and just one of the reasons why she is the proud recipient of the William Hill Fan of the Year award.

William Hill

Val drives a fans’ minibus to all the BSB North side’s away games, but driving from the heart of Cambridgeshire to the deepest, darkest parts of the North isn’t enough to quell her love for the Stutes.

“There are a lot of long journeys, but I love it,” she said.

“I’ve been a Histon fan ever since my parents took me to a game when I was a baby.

“They’ve been going since they were 14, so it’s in the blood – driving a fans’ minibus is nothing, it’s all a part of being a fan.

“The fans who come on the minibus are no hassle, they’re all regulars so they’re not rowdy at all, which makes the away-days easier.

And Val makes light of even the most daunting-sounding trips. She told The : “ away is a five-hour trip. It sounds like a long way but it’s only straight up the M6.

“If we were in the Blue Square Bet South, I’d have to negotiate the M25. Give me the M6 anyday!”

Val, centre, with her parents.
Val, centre, with her parents.

As well as driving a bus full of Histon fans all over the United Kingdom, Val also does a huge amount of work for the Cambridgeshire outfit on matchdays and in her few moments of spare time.

On Histon matchdays she organises food and hospitality. This involves looking after the media from visiting clubs, scouts and officials, and 50/50 half-time jackpot tickets for the fans. She is also heavily involved with fundraising for the club.

She operates a car boot sale in the Glassworld Stadium car park every Sunday and arranging open days, her next being  in August.

Val does all this for Histon while holding down a job as a full-time carer in Cambridge.

In fact, her devotion to caring meant she wasn’t able to pick-up her hardearned trophy at The , in association with Budweiser Club Futures.

“I was absolutely gobsmacked and delighted when I found out I’d won, but I can’t abandon my girls, I’m devoted to them,” she said.

“As much as I’d love to go to the National Game awards, I just love being a carer and the women I am looking after are both in their 90s, so I’m not about to up sticks and abandon them.

And the devoted fan added: “I love Histon and I love my job, and I will always have time to do both.”

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